FAQ & Guidelines

General FAQs

Event-Specific FAQs

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Community Challenge Event

$100K for 100


As you plan your fundraising event to benefit Joslin, we have established guidelines to ensure that your event aligns with Joslin’s mission, principles and brand.

  1. A suggested minimum goal of $500 is requested to use the Joslin Diabetes Center name and/or logo in association with any virtual event or promotion.
  2. Any use of Joslin’s name must be approved prior to use by the event organizer. In addition, Joslin Diabetes Center must be identified as the beneficiary of the event, not the sponsor. For example, organizers should not characterize an event as the "Joslin Diabetes Center Golf Tournament." Instead, it should be promoted as the "Golf Tournament to benefit Joslin Diabetes Center." This rule applies to all invitation copy as well as advertising and promotional activities. Events must comply with all federal, state and local laws governing charitable fund-raising, gift reporting and special events.
  3. Estimated expenses and revenue should be established by the event organizer and submitted to Joslin Diabetes Center for review before the event. The cost per dollar raised should be 40% or less. Joslin Diabetes Center may not approve any event/promotion in which fundraising costs exceed 40% of total income. Joslin Diabetes Center maintains fundraising costs at 15.8% of the total income and strongly encourages event coordinators to abide by the same standard.
  4. If you are hosting an event, you are responsible for covering all event expenses. If you are paying for expenses, please deduct these funds raised prior to sending in your gift.
  5. Joslin Diabetes Center needs to receive a minimum of 50% of the proceeds if not all proceeds are going to Joslin. If Joslin Diabetes Center will not be receiving all of the proceeds from the event, then the exact percentage of the proceeds to benefit Joslin Diabetes Center must be stated clearly on all invitation copy, advertising and promotional materials.
  6. Under no circumstance may an individual or group keep any portion of the proceeds as profit or compensation for organizing the event.
  7. Joslin Diabetes Center is not responsible for obtaining any required permits or a certificate of insurance for the event.
  8. The sponsoring organization must seek approval from Joslin Diabetes Center to repeat the event in each succeeding year.